Murder Mysteries

Was Stephanie’s death just a tragic accident? …or was it Murder?

Twenty five “characters” have been invited to attend this evenings gathering and you may be asked to play one of them by assuming their identity.

You must mingle with family and friends and look for clues.

Between courses clues will be revealed and revelations made. But beware – one of the guests is THE MURDERER!

You must work out “whodunit” before the family and guests depart and remember – not everyone is who they seem to be…

A perfect evening for that special occasion.

Eight years ago I was asked to provide a Murder Mystery evening for a National Company I work for. This was a departure from performing for them with close-up magic for formal dinners and promotions.

I tested the water by going to three Murder Mystery evenings with some friends. We were very disappointed. The standard of presentation was poor, there was no interaction and we were not given enough information to solve the crime.

What we wanted was impact, interaction, entertainment and satisfaction.

I discussed my ideas with three professional actor friends of mine and between us the first of our Murder Mystery themes was born.

“Murder at Sea” was delivered to 120 corporate guests from three National companies as a “team building exercise”. Set on a “theme ship” – (part of the company’s chain of hotels) – the staff were kitted as sailors and crew and the guests came as castaways, pirates and cabin crew. There was even a pianist and a white piano grand – courtesy of the Company. The evening was a tremendous success!

There followed:

  • Murder on Stage
  • Murder at the Graveyard
  • Murder at the Prom
  • Murder at the Pantomime
  • Murder at the Manor

From 1920’s gangsters to gothic horror, from 50’s rock to modern theatrical ham, there is plenty to choose from.

The Murder Mystery

Most people would like something different for their special event. Our Murder Mysteries are unique.

Each Murder Mystery is themed and we would encourage all guests to enter into the spirit of the evening and dress up. There are prizes!

We realise that not everyone is an actor or an extrovert so we encourage people to feel comfortable and have a great time. Whether you spend on a hire costume or make your own outfit is entirely up to you.

Having a Murder Mystery evening can make a big difference as not only does it transform your special occasion into a more memorable occasion by keeping your guests entertained but the interaction in between courses is a great ice-breaker and wonderful bonding vehicle.

Our Murder Mystery Evenings have been delighting guests at corporate functions, birthday parties, anniversaries, wedding receptions, seasonal get-togethers and are ideal to really enhance your special occasion.

If you would like to talk through your arrangements with Richard he would be pleased to share his experience and advise you on the best way to make a Murder Mystery evening work for you.

How does it work?

Having chosen your venue you may like to decorate it appropriately in keeping with the theme. Simple bunting for a 50’s Prom Night is adequate or for that Hallowe’en feel you may like to hire a cobweb machine, cover the floor ankle deep in dried leaves, buy an animatronic zombie and borrow two coffins from the local undertakers – both happened!

Invitations to guests should include the theme, suggested costumes, menu, time, date and venue.

We provide at least three professional actors (depending on budget), clue sheets, pens, name badges, a professional sound system with appropriate background music, a curtained jet-set backdrop, two magnetic evidence boards, twenty one “clues”, prizes and certificates. There is a limerick competition, two adult “party games” and we finish the evening with a disco.

This is an extract from the “Murder at Sea” pack –

Murder at Sea

It is the evening of 11 July 2008 and you arrive for dinner on the last night of your three week cruise with the Feedbeater Shipping Company Lines’ Star Cruise Ship “Maid of the Waves”. You flew out to New York to board the ship on the 20 June and have spent twenty one glorious, fun packed days calling at the exotic ports of Nassau in the Bahamas, Santa Marta in Columbia, Porto la Cruz in Venezuela, San Miguel in the Azores and you are now just off the Bay of Biscay, homeward bound. This is your last night on board and you intend to let your hair down and really enjoy yourself.

But beware; one of the guests is The Murderer!

You must work out “whodunit” before the guests depart at 10.30pm.

You will only solve the mystery by interviewing all the passengers and crew. But remember, not everyone is who they seem and some secrets are best kept to themselves.

There is a limerick competition for the mischievously minded of you. Please post your clues on the two evidence boards.

  • 19.00 to 19.30 Characters to open envelopes and read instructions
  • Initial dialogue
  • 19.30 to 20.00 Guests to be shown to their tables
  • 20.00 to 20.30 First course
  • 20.30 to 21.00 Second dialogue
  • 21.00 to 21.30 Main course
  • 21.30 to 22.00 Third dialogue
  • 22.00 to 22.30 Dessert
  • 22.30 to 23.00 Final dialogue
  • 22.30 onwards Coffee, revelations, awards, disco

You may be asked to assume the identity of one of the twenty five “characters”

Here is a selection from “Murder at Sea”

  • Sven Seize – Ships Captain
  • Ivan Ennema – Ships Doctor
  • Lola DeFear – Entertainer
  • Sir Clifford Hangar – Director of the FSCL
  • Ivor Clew – Detective
  • Penelope Less – Inheritress
  • Rt Hon Robin Votes – Politician
  • Tabatha Press – Personal Secretary
  • Irma Lone – Divorcee
  • Major Stanley Toot-tension – Retired Army Officer

We’ve been privileged to take our Murder Mysteries to Edinburgh and Dartmouth and everywhere in between and have been lucky enough to meet some wonderful people and make some lasting friendships.

Here’s hoping we can add some magic and mystery to your life.


If you contact ten murder mystery companies you will get ten different prices. Prices will fall between £100 and £1000. Some companies or agencies charge VAT on top of the fee.

Prices depend on how experienced the actors are, how many there are, how busy they are and the area that they usually work in.

Prices will depend on the length of time that the Murder Mystery is booked for and the time of year. Expect to pay more in December or at weekends.

Low fees suggest amateur or part-time performers without public liability or Equity status. The maxim, “you pay for what you get” holds true. Personal recommendations are the best guide to ensuring satisfaction.

Contact Richard to check availability for your event.